Our Program
The program's didactic curriculum focuses on the basic and clinical sciences of pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry.
Our Program
The program's didactic curriculum focuses on the basic and clinical sciences of pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry.
Curriculum Overview
The five-year Brown Triple Board Combined Residency Training Program in Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry enrolls three trainees at the PGY-1 level each year. The program's curriculum consists of:
- 24 months of training in pediatrics
- 18 months of training in general psychiatry
- 18 months of training in child and adolescent psychiatry
Our residents actively contribute to the evolution of the curriculum, making recommendations throughout their training to ensure that the program provides a cohesive, planned educational experience rather than a series of rotations among different specialties. Throughout the five years, the curriculum incorporates both clinical and didactic opportunities that integrate the experiences from the three specialties; residents are also provided with supplementary didactics to support them during transitions between the specialties.
Residents gain increasing responsibility for patient care and teaching as they advance through the years, with the chief residents often choosing to serve as junior attendings in the pediatric clinics, pediatric inpatient units, or child psychiatric inpatient units. In addition, Brown's history as a well-established Triple Board Program allows residents to enjoy the respect of their colleagues and faculty in each of the three specialties, as well as to benefit from the mentorship of faculty members who themselves trained in the Triple Board Program.
The program's didactic curriculum focuses on the basic and clinical sciences of pediatrics, psychiatry, and child psychiatry. Each specialty provides a core didactic program:
- Pediatrics - morning report and noon conferences
- Psychiatry & Child Psychiatry - seminars, group supervision, and individual supervision
- Other formal learning opportunities within each department - grand rounds, journal club, quality improvement and patient safety seminars
Additionally, first and second-year residents have a Triple Board-specific curriculum focused on interviewing skills, primary care psychiatry, and behavioral interventions as part of the monthly Triple Board Psychosocial Clinic.
The program emphasizes the importance of comprehensive pediatric residency training in the first eighteen months. PGY-1 and PGY-2 Triple Board residents participate fully in the clinical rotations and didactic experiences of the pediatric house staff. Opportunities unique to Triple Board residents during these months include a one-month elective on the Hasbro Partial Hospital Program (an intensive outpatient medical-psychiatric treatment setting) as well as the monthly Friday afternoon Psychosocial Clinics mentioned above. Triple Board residents thus have some early exposure to psychiatry, while still maintaining the focus on pediatric skills and allowing full integration with the cohort of pediatric residents. The PGY-3 year focuses primarily on adult psychiatry, providing exposure to both inpatient and outpatient experiences. During the PGY-4 year, the Triple Board residents formally begin training in child and adolescent psychiatry alongside the new cohort of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellows, then returns to spend a significant portion of the year back in pediatrics. Finally, the PGY-5 residents rotate primarily on child and adolescent psychiatry services within their individually-developed elective-based curricula, with an emphasis on the integration of their pediatric and adult psychiatry skills.
Residents participate in longitudinal experiences throughout their training. They see patients weekly for four years in a pediatric continuity clinic based within a busy, hospital-based, general pediatric clinic, then precept other Triple Board residents or participate in an Integrated Care Clinic consultation in the same clinic during their PGY-5 year. Long-term psychotherapy with adult psychiatry patients, including individual supervision, begins during the PGY-3 year and continues into the PGY-4 and PGY-5 years, when the residents' psychotherapy patient populations expand to include children, adolescents, families, and groups. Triple Board residents participate in a weekly Resident Continuity Clinic that includes both psychopharmacology and psychotherapy patients during their PGY-3 year, a Child Psychotherapy Clinic during their PGY-4 year, and a Child Psychopharmacology Clinic during their PGY-5 year.
Curriculum Summary
PGY-1: 12 months Pediatrics
PGY-2: 7 months Pediatrics, 5 months General Psychiatry
PGY-3: 12 months General Psychiatry
PGY-4: 7 months Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 5 months Pediatrics
PGY-5: 11 months Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1 month General Psychiatry
More About Triple-Board Training
The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has additional resources regarding Triple Board training.